Credits for all the unit standards listed below are required.

Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credits
Unit ID: 712 Comply with health, safety and environmental rules
and regulations in road construction and
maintenance work operations
2 6
Unit ID: 1058 Apply calculation and measurement skills in setting
out a work area and determining material needs
4 8
Unit ID: 1046 Demonstrate awareness of the road construction
and maintenance industry as a Foreman
4 2
Unit ID: 1047 Determine and plan a team for work in road
construction and maintenance
4 8
Unit ID: 1049 Supervise the use and storage of materials for road
construction and maintenance work
4 6
Unit ID: 1050 Supervise work teams in road construction and
4 8
Unit ID: 1052 Undertake site administration duties as a road
construction and maintenance Foreman
4 6
Unit ID: 1053 Supervise temporary traffic accommodation
controls on a road construction and maintenance
4 6
Unit ID: 1055 Undertake routine quality assurance actions on a
road construction and maintenance worksite
4 8
Unit ID: 1059 Read and interpret specific conditions in contracts
for road construction and maintenance as a
4 6
Unit ID: 1143 Coordinate the supply and oversee the utilisation of
materials for road construction and maintenance
5 10
Unit ID: 1144 Coordinate the supply and oversee the utilisation of
plant, equipment and vehicles for road construction
and maintenance work
5 15
Unit ID: 1145 Oversee and Coordinate work activities on a road
construction and maintenance worksite
5 25
Unit ID: 1146 Oversee the skill development of workers and work
teams on a road construction and maintenance
5 8
Unit ID: 1147 Monitor the quality of work on a road construction
and maintenance work site
5 10
Unit ID: 1148 Demonstrate advanced knowledge of and monitor
worksite health and safety compliance in road
construction and maintenance
5 8
Unit ID: 1149 Identify and liaise with road construction and
maintenance project stakeholders
5 10

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