Credits for all the unit standards listed below are required.

Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credits
Unit ID: 932 Sling and communicate during crane operations 2 4
Unit ID: 939 Weld work-pieces using the oxy-acetylene gas welding
process in the down hand position
2 10
Unit ID: 940 Describe the chemical industry’s composition, its regulatory
requirements and communication techniques
2 2
Unit ID: 943 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply regulatory pertaining
to crane operation
2 5
Unit ID: 944 Handle, transport, store and utilize hazardous materials on a
civil construction site
2 5
Unit ID: 977 Demonstrate knowledge of rational irrational numbers and
number systems
2 2
Unit ID: 949 Operate defined purpose lift trucks 2 4
Unit ID: 950 Apply basic concepts of cargo care 2 7
Unit ID: 951 Identify engineering materials, their characteristics and
applications and common metal tests used in engineering
2 4
Unit ID: 953 Manufacture basic rigging hand tools 2 4
Unit ID: 956 Lift and move load using manual lifting equipment tackle 2 8
Unit ID: 960 Secure a load for transportation 2 4
Unit ID: 963 Replace the bucket assembly of a dragline 2 2
Unit ID: 970 Install scraper ropes onto scraper winch drums 2 2
Unit ID: 974 Use a side boom to lift, lower and carry materials 2 5
Unit ID: 976 Work in a team in lifting machines operations 2 4
Unit ID: 988 Cut materials using the oxy-fuel gas cutting process (manual
2 6
Unit ID: 990  Place and move a load by utilizing rollers 2 2
Unit ID: 991  Apply lubrication to a steel wire rope 2 2
Unit ID: 992 Direct the operation of an overhead crane 2 3
Unit ID: 331  Demonstrate knowledge of HIV and AIDS in the workplace 2 4

A minimum of 30 credits is required from the following unit standards.

Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credits
Unit ID: 978 Operate a pendant controlled overhead crane 2 5
Unit ID: 979 Operate a truck mounted loader crane 2 20
Unit ID: 980 Operate a mobile crane 2 20
Unit ID: 981 Operate a tower crane 2 20
Unit ID: 982 Operate overhead or gantry cranes 2 5
Unit ID: 983 Apply and maintain safety in an electrical environment 2 5
Unit ID: 985 Weld carbon steel work-pieces using the shielded metal arc
welding process in the down-hand position
2 15
Unit ID: 989 Demonstrate knowledge of chemical in processing
2 6

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