All the unit standards listed below are required.

Unit No.Unit Standard TitleLevelCredit
170Follow occupational health and safety procedures in tourist guiding24
171Work with colleagues and tourists in a culturally diverse tourist guiding environment23
172Communicate with others in English when guiding tourists25
173Convey information on the socio-economic and political structures of Namibia in tourist guiding35
174Provide customer care in tourist guiding 35
176Perform routine estimations and calculations in tourist guiding34
177Apply first aid in tourist guiding35
178Convey information about different cultures and traditions in Namibia in tourist guiding36
179Comply with ethical and legal responsibilities of tourist guides36
182Demonstrate knowledge of the tourism industry and related jobs and career pathways25
183Convey information on personalities, current events, destinations and attractions in tourist guiding 35
184Practice environmental sustainability as a tourist guide510
185Demonstrate knowledge of and convey information on flora found in Namibia in tourist guiding415
186Demonstrate knowledge of and convey information on fauna found in Namibia in tourist guiding415
187Demonstrate knowledge of and convey information on birds encountered in Namibia in tourist guiding415
188Convey information about the history of Namibia in tourist guiding38
189Convey information on the physical environment of Namibia in tourist guiding48
1203Prepare to conduct an extended tourist experience410
1206Conduct an extended tourist experience425
1213Operate and maintain a tour vehicle on a formed road310
1214Convey information on rural communities in tourist guiding34
1215Convey information on urban communities in tourist guiding34
1217Demonstrate awareness of environmental sustainability in tourist guiding36


A minimum of one unit standard (10-12 credits) are required from the following:

Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credit
194 Guide an extended desert tour in Namibia 4 12
1210 Guide a tour in wetland habitats in Namibia 4 12
1211 Guide a tour in marine habitats in Namibia 4 12
1212 Lead tourists on a short adventure experience 4 10


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